Saturday, July 3, 2010

Now that I've thought about it ...

I may have made the wrong impression yesterday. I'm not some teenager who's down on herself all the time, really, I'm not. I just have my ups and downs. Typical, I know.

I went stargazing last night with one of my best friends and reminisced about anything and everything
It made me realize how much I don't want things to change.
Yes I'm sadly one of those people that are scared of change. Sigh.
I hope people are reading this, just so I can reassure myself that someone's listening. <3
Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shaylene!
    Im so glad you got a blog!
    So, I'm glad you managed to make light of your downn feelings... But life is a Bitch..... She always likes to give us false hope that everythings great, then she laughs and drops a crisis that seems unbearable.
    Well, I say Fuck that. If you can beat life when she's at her worst, you are strong.
    Long Live Warrior Princess :P
    Dixie Chick
